Honor Roll
Honoring Accomplishments of Those Who Honor WWII Veterans.
Paul Miller Award
When one of our advisers, Paul Miller passed away in early 2006, the entire group was heartbroken. Paul had meant so much to us that it was decided that we would be sure that he would never be forgotten and that his name would always be associated with our group. Therefore, we named our “Paratrooper of the Year” award after him. Each year, the member of our group who proves himself the most dedicated and the most selfless will earn the honor.
Paul Miller Award Winners
2018-2019 – Sgt. Andrew Hollinger
2017-2018 – Cpl. Ben Scott
2016-2017 – Cpl. Hank Askin
2015-2016 – T/Cpl. Mike Dalcin
2014-2015 – Cpl. Ryan Kergides and Capt. Jack Moody
2013-2014 – 1st Sgt. Nate Bixler
2012-2013 – Cpl. Tim Lehotsky
2011-2012 – Richard “Red” Falvey
2010-2011 – General Brandt Pflueger
2009-2010 – Sgt. Bruce Troutman
2008-2009 – 1/Lt. Greg Henesy
2007-2008 – Cpl. Nate Bixler
2006-2007 – Cpl. Robert Michnowicz
2005-2006 – S/Sgt. Tim “Bull” Hollinger